Volunteering can be a very rich source of learning, when there is both a desire to learn from the volunteer and a concern to help others. Involvement in various projects and activities, working as a team or alone, volunteers implicitly acquire new skills, new knowledge, new attitudes. While altruism, concern for those around you and for various topics with community impact is the most obvious motivation to become volunteers.

The volunteer is:

– a person who helps others and has an active position in life;
– a person who acts voluntarily and free of charge in different fields;
– a conscious and active citizen of his country;
– a professional in a specific field;
– extraordinary, creative, kind person.

CSC Moldova is looking for volunteers who want to influence the academic environment by encouraging future leaders of the society. We believe that Christian students are missionaries in their universities. Every day at the university, they acquire knowledge and skills for the future, and practice the Christian faith and influence the lives of hundreds of students around them.

Requirements for volunteers:

– share the vision of CSC Moldova and agree with the statute;
– have experience in implementing projects for young people;
– to be a dedicated Christian;
– to be a member of the local church.

If you do not have much experience in working with students, but are willing to attend, then CSC Moldova conducts regular training and conferences. We provide all the necessary resources for working with Christian students. The CSC Molodva opens up excellent opportunities for personal growth and development of your talents! Contact us.