IFES: MIRACLES IN THE CANTEEN (Pioneering student ministry in Central Asia)

I walked into the canteen, already rejoicing. This wasn’t my university, but I had managed to walk on to campus without being stopped. I found a place to sit down, opened my prayer notebook and wrote: if You send someone to come and sit with me, I’ll tell them the gospel.

After one hour, I heard someone ask, “Can I sit with you?” We started chatting. The student wasn’t a believer. I showed her what I’d written in my notebook and explained how she was the answer to my prayer. She opened up about her struggles at home and in her personal life. She joked that she didn’t believe in prayer. But she let me pray for her, there in the canteen.

A few days later, my new friend rang me. She wanted to tell me that the situations I’d prayed for had totally changed!


IFES: MIRACLES IN THE CANTEEN (Pioneering student ministry in Central Asia)
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