During the Rethink Week organized by the IFES in the north of Moldova (city of Balti), over 120 young people from the university gathered together to hear the presentation on lines of argumentation to demonstrate a case for Intelegent Design. From astrophysics to geology to microbiology the evidence points to the grreat mind and the Designer.

Dr. Woodward and Evghenii S. served together and in adition to the lecture format had an amazing opportunity to interact with numerous groups of students sharing the good news. This was an evangelistic event and we are thankful to International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (Intervarsity) for the opportunity to share.

The expectation was to have approximately sixty-seventy students come to the event. It was a pleasant surprise to see over hundred and twenty people show up. It was reported that by the end of the outreach at least eight have given their lives to Christ.